Fundraise the easy way!
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for 2nd Bognor with easyfundraising?
There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including Amazon, eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, Sainsbury’s and Iceland – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
Here is a quick video on how it works!
How to get started
All you need to do is:
Click HERE and join for free.
Make sure to download the donation reminder when prompted this is really useful and pops up to activate a donation, if you go on a site but forget to go through easyfundraising!
You can even download the app and use it to shop on all your devices including your phone
Here is a quick video showing how to use the app
There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.