Our Constitution

Part 1: Context

1.1 The Purpose of Scouting
Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

1.2 Values of Scouting
As Scouts we are guided by these values:

Integrity – We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.
Respect – We have self-respect and respect for others.
Care – We support others and take care of the world in which we live.
Belief – We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes.
Co-operation – We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends.

1.3 Scout Method
Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:

  • enjoy what they are doing and have fun
  • take part in activities indoors and outdoors
  • learn by doing
  • share in spiritual reflection
  • take responsibility and make choices
  • undertake new and challenging activities
  • make and live by their Promise.

1.4 Key Policies
The Scout Association has adopted key policies relating to:

These can be found in the latest edition of the Policy, Organisation & Rules of The Scout Association

1.5 Registration of Scout Groups

A Scout Group cannot exist unless it has a current registration with the Scout Association. Registration is renewed annually by completing and submitting an annual registration and census return as directed by Headquarters. Registration renewal also requires the payment of the Headquarters Membership Subscription and any District, and County Membership Subscriptions payable.

The registration, suspension, and alteration or cancellation of registration are matters for the appropriate District Commissioner and District Board of Trustees.

Charity Law does not permit a Scout Group to transfer from the Scout Association to any other body whether calling itself a Scout organisation or by any other name.

1.6 Our Aim

The aim of 2nd Bognor (St. Mary’s) Sea Scout Group is to provide Scouting to boys and girls in the Bognor Regis area from age 4 to 14.

Part 2: Management of 2nd Bognor Scout Group

2nd Bognor Scout Group is an autonomous organisation holding its property and equipment and admitting young people to membership of the Scout Group subject to the policy and rules of The Scout Association.

2nd Bognor Scout Group is a not‐for‐profit organisation and is an Exempted Charity.
For Gift Aid Purposes we have the following HMRC number XR76954.

Scout Group is led by a Group Scout Leader and managed by a Board of Trustees. They are accountable to the Group Scout Council for the satisfactory running of the Group. The Group Team Lead is assisted and supported by the Group Leadership Team and Group Supporters in the delivery of the balanced programme for young people within the Group.

Part 3: The Group Scout Council

The Group Scout Council is the electoral body, which supports Scouting in the Scout Group. It is the body to which the Board of Trustees is accountable.

3.1 Membership of the Group Scout Council
open to:

  • Scouters;
  • Group Scout Active Support members (including the Group Scout Active Support Manager and Group Scout Active Support Co-ordinators – if appointed);
  • Colony, Pack and Troop Assistants;
  • Skills Instructors;
  • Administrators;
  • Advisers;
  • Patrol Leaders;
  • All parents of Squirrel Scouts, Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts;
  • A nominee from Our Lady of Sorrows
  • Any other supporters including former Scouts and their parents who may be admitted by the Group Team Lead, the Board of Trustees or the Group Scout Council;
  • The District Commissioner and District Chair are ex-officio members of the Group Scout Council.

Membership of the Group Scout Council ceases upon:

  • the resignation of the member;
  • the dissolution of the Council;
  • the termination of membership by Headquarters following a recommendation by the Board of Trustees.

3.2 Meetings

The Group Scout Council must hold an Annual General Meeting within six months of the financial year end to:

  • receive and consider the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees, including the annual statement of accounts;
  • approve the Group Team Leads nomination of the Group Chair and nominated members of the Board of Trustees;
  • elect a Group Secretary and Group Treasurer;
  • elect members of the Group Trustee Board;
  • appoint an auditor or independent examiner or scrutineer as required.

The quorum for meetings of the Group Scout Council is 15, which must include the Group Team Lead or Group Chairman plus 2 other members of the Group Trustee Board.

3.3 Appointment and Elections

The positions of Group Chairman, Group Secretary and Group Treasurer cannot be held by an appointed Scouter that holds a uniformed role within 2nd Bognor Sea Scout Group. Holding other uniformed roles in other groups is not prohibited.

Members of the Group Council wishing to stand for election should make their intention known to the Group Team Lead at least 14 days before the date of the meeting at which the election will take place.

Only if no one has notified the Group Team Lead in this way that they wish to stand for election, for a position, will people be allowed to put themselves forward at the meeting itself for that position.

No individual can hold more than one nominated, elected or co‐opted position on the Group Trustee Board. Appointments on the Group Trustee Board may be terminated by:

  • The resignation of the holder;
  • The unanimous resolution of all other members of the Group Trustee Board;
  • The expiry of the period of the appointment;
  • Confirmation by Headquarters of the termination of the appointment in the event of the cancellation of the registration of the Group.

All persons becoming members of the Group Trustee Board must complete the Scout Association’s appointments process.

Part 4: The Group Trustee Board

4.1 The Responsibilities of the Group Trustee Board

The Trustee Board exists to support the Group Team Lead in meeting the responsibilities of their appointment.

  • Members of the Trustee Board must act collectively as charity Trustees of the Scout Group, and in the best interests of its members to:
  • Comply with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association
  • Protect and maintain any property and equipment owned by and/or used by the Group.
  • Manage the Group finances.
  • Provide insurance for people, property and equipment.
  • Provide sufficient resources for Scouting to operate. This includes, but is not limited to, supporting recruitment, other adult support, and fundraising activities.
  • Promote and support the development of Scouting in the local area.
  • Manage and implement the Safety Policy locally.
  • Ensure that a positive image of Scouting exists in the local community.
  • Appoint and manage the operation of any sub-Committees, including appointing a Chair to lead the sub-Committees.
  • Ensure that Young People are meaningfully involved in decision making at all levels within the Group.
  • The opening, closure and amalgamation of Sections in the Group as necessary.

The Trustee Board must also:

  • Appoint Administrators, Advisers, and Co-opted members of the Trustee Board.
  • Approve the Annual Report and Annual Accounts after their examination by an appropriate auditor. The same auditor is to only to be used 5 years running.
  • Present the Annual Report and Annual Accounts to the Scout Council at the Annual General Meeting; file a copy with the District Trustee Board; and as a registered charity, to the appropriate charity regulator if the regulator’s rules require it.
  • Maintain confidentiality regarding appropriate Trustee Board business.
  • Ensure line management responsibilities for employed staff are clearly established and communicated.

4.2 Membership

The Group Trustee Board consists of:

Ex-officio Members

  • The Group Scout Leader;
  • The Assistant Group Scout Leader;

Elected Members

  • The Group Chairman;
  • The Group Secretary;
  • The Group Treasurer;
  • Persons elected at the Group Annual General Meeting;
  • These should normally be four to six in number
  • Should show a cross section of views from across the group
  • Ideally at least one parent from each section

Nominated Members

  • Persons nominated by the Group Team Lead;
  • The nominations must be approved at the Group Annual General Meeting; the number of nominated members must not exceed the number of elected members.

Co-opted Members

  • Persons co-opted annually by the Group Trustee Board
  • The number of co-opted members must not exceed the number of elected members.

Right of Attendance

  • The District Commissioner and the District Chair have the right of attendance at meetings of the Group Trustee Board.
  • 2 Young Leaders from the Group may sit on the Board of Trustees, these two people are not voting members but can join in all conversation.
  • A Nominee for ‘Our Lady of Sorrows’ but is not a voting member.

4.3 Sub-Committees

Additional Requirements for sub-Committees:

  • Sub-Committees consist of members nominated by the Board.
  • The Group Team Lead and the Group Chair will be ex-officio members of any sub Committee of the Group Trustee Board.
  • Any fundraising committee must include at least one members of the Group Trustee Board. No Team Lead  has to serve on such a fundraising sub Committee as their main role is delivery of the programme.

4.4 Requirements for a Charity Trustee

Additional Requirements for Charity Trustees:

  • All ex-officio, elected, nominated and co-opted members of the Group Trustee Board are Charity Trustees of the Scout Group.
  • Only persons aged 18 and over may be full voting members of the Group Trustee Board because of their status as Charity Trustees (however the views of young people in the Group must be taken into consideration).
  • Certain people are disqualified from being Charity Trustees by virtue of the Charities Acts.
  • Charity Trustees are responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation including the Data Protection Act 2018.

4.5 Meetings

The Group Trustee Board should formally meet at least four times during each calendar year (not including the AGM of the Group Council).

The quorum for meetings of the Group Trustee Board is six voting members, one of whom must be the Group Team lead/Group Chairman.

4.6 Procedure for Meetings

All questions that arise at any meeting will be discussed openly and the meeting will seek to find general agreement that everyone present can agree to.

Only members as defined above may vote in meetings of the Group Scout Council and the Group Trustee Board

If a consensus cannot be reached a vote will be taken and a decision will be made by a simple majority of members present. In the event of an equal number of votes being cast on either side the chairman does not have a casting vote and the matter is taken not to have been carried.

Members may cast votes via online communication platforms if they cannot be present for the meeting but must inform the chair in advance that they would like to take part in the meeting from a remote location at least 3 days prior.

Part 5: The Group Scouters’ Meeting

Membership of the Group Scouters’ Meeting consists of the Group Team Lead as chair, all Section Leads and Section Team Members, Young Leaders and the Group Scout Active Support Manager.

The role of the Group Scouters’ Meeting is to:

  • consider the well-being and development of each member of the group;
  • ensure the progress of each member through the programme;
  • plan and co-ordinate all the group’s activities;
  • to keep the Group Trustee Board advised of the financial and other resource requirements of the training programme.
HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III